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Religion & Fiction Podcast Ep. 029 | RFBC Week 5: Chapters 32–39

Religion & Fiction Podcast Ep. 029 | RFBC Week 5: Chapters 32–39

Renew your faith this new year with "A Rediscovered Faith"

The end of the year and entrance into another is the perfect time to consider our spiritual journey. So I thought I would offer a space to do that here with Book 2 of my spiritual coming-of-age series, Faith Reimagined. A Rediscovered Faith follows the spiritual journey of Peter Daniel Young as he considers deep questions of faith, life, and everything in between.

Whether you are facing your own faith crisis and wonder if Christianity is still relevant to your world, or you know someone who is struggling themselves, discover with Peter why the story of Jesus and his love still matters. For him, his family and friends, the Church — and for you.

Join the journey now to get ready for the final book in the trilogy coming next month: A Refined Faith. I’m launching a Kickstarter hootenanny, with self-study and reflection workbooks and video studies to go along with the series.

👉 GO HERE to follow and get notified about the final book, the workbooks, and the spiritual courses.

The book club is finished, but you can still get the book on discount below and follow the study along through these links. has it HERE. Most other online retailers are HERE.

🗓️ Here are the dates and deets:

The story takes a tragic turn for Peter and his family that provoke deep questions about faith, life, and everything in between. He must confront his own beliefs, and others, and rise to the occasion to fight for others while keeping the faith.

After you have a listen, here are some questions to guide your reading, with more inside the episode:

  • Have you ever experienced guilt, confusion, regret over a relationship, as the characters had in this story? Why, and was was that like?

  • What was it about JT’s confession that made Peter question his relationship with God? What was his brother relying on?

  • A constant theme in the book is ideas have consequences. What do you make of this theme, and how does this final week showcase it? What do you think it means for others—for you, as Peter wondered for himself?

  • How had the Prosurgent version of Christianity offered false hope, rather than genuine hope? How was it not honest about the Christian faith?

  • What do you make of Peter’s reference to Jesus’ exhortation to ‘Stop doubting and believe’ (John 20:27)? Where are you in relationship to this almost command, to let go of doubt and embrace belief—in Jesus?

  • In what was is doubt considered a virtue nowadays? Why do you suppose belief is almost ridiculed?

  • Consider that journal article from JT that Peter read. Can you identify with his opinions about faith? Do you know others who share the same understanding? What is your own trust for God’s acceptance?

  • Near the end of Chapter 38, Peter offers a prayer of confession and repentance, a turning toward Jesus in faith and belief. Have you offered such a prayer? If so, I would love to hear about it! If not, what’s stopping you?

  • In what way does this story reinforce the urgency of faith, both for ourselves and our relationship with others?

  • Consider Peter’s closing meditation and prayer at the end of Chapter 39. How does it reflect your own feelings, if any? Do you know where to turn with God? Do you know where your faith is heading? What might it meant that Christ’s grace, his crazy love for you is enough for you and journey?

This book club is meant to be a self-study exploration rediscovering faith. Feel free to read and listen along, then come back to offer your comments and discussion below!

J. A. Bouma believes nobody should have to read bad religious fiction—whether it’s cheesy plots with pat answers or misrepresentations of the Christian faith and the Bible. So he tells compelling, propulsive stories that thrill as much as inspire, while offering a dose of insight along the way. Available at most online retailers and direct:

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Religion & Fiction Podcast
The intersection of the sacred and story, offering a space of short stories that inspire and thrill with commentary drawing out the religious elements of our favorite yarns.